迅雷 for Mac OS X v2.6.1 下載軟體 | 重灌狂人 2014/4/30 更新:軟體版本更新至 v2.6.1.1484 最新版。 2013/9/14 更新:Mac 版迅雷的軟體版本更新至 v2.0.2.928 最新版,此版本新增資源搜尋、資源探索和批次下載功能,此外還最佳化了操作介面與互動設計並提昇軟體穩定性。 「迅雷」是個爭議性不小的 P2P ...
Transmission v2.82 在Mac 電腦快速下載BT! | 重灌狂人 2010年3月30日 ... Transmission是個下載速度相當快、運作相當穩定的BT下載程式,主要提供Mac OS X作業系統與各種版本的Linux系統在圖形操作介面中下載BT。
Download - BitTorrent® - Delivering the World's Content Download the official BitTorrent® torrent client for Windows or Mac—from the inventors of the bittorrent protocol and developers of the #1 bittorrent download ...
Downloads - μTorrent® (uTorrent) - a (very) tiny BitTorrent client Download the official µTorrent® (uTorrent) torrent client for Windows, Mac, Android or Linux-- uTorrent is the #1 bittorrent download client on desktops ...
Mac OS X 實用軟體大集合(中) | T客邦- 我只推薦好東西 2010年4月9日 ... 身為一個鄉民,平日上BBS、抓抓BT、下載檔案是很正常的。但是Mac沒有KKman和 BitComet這些程式怎麼辦?莫驚、莫慌、莫害怕,Windows上能做 ...
BitTorrent (Mac) - Download BitTorrent for Mac is one of the first ever BitTorrent clients. Torrent ... A bit slow; Downloads files to one folder but leaves torrents on desktop; Bare interface.
The Best BitTorrent Client for Mac - Lifehacker 2011年10月31日 - There are a handful of excellent BitTorrent clients for Mac, but uTorrent takes the cake thanks to its ... What would a Mac user do with a bt client?
What is the best Torrent client for Mac? - Features - Macworld UK A good BitTorrent program should be easy to use, reliable and quickly download files from other computer users. A good BitTorrent client for Mac should also be ...
Download - Transmission Download Transmission. The current release version is 2.84. Mac OS X Transmission-2.84.dmg. Requires Mac OS X 10.6 or later. Nightly builds
OS X:更新 OS X 和 Mac App Store app - Official Apple Support 您可以自定 OS X 如何下載 和安裝更新項目,包括自動更新。 在 OS X Lion 和之前版本中選擇「Apple( )」選單>「系統偏好設定⋯」>「軟體更新」。 在 OS X Mountain Lion 和以上版本中選擇「Apple( )」選單>「系統偏好設定⋯」>「App Store ...